“All in the game…” – Traditional West Baltimore

<iframe width="100%" height="188" src="https://embed.acast.com/thewire-stripped/s1ep13-sentencing" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none;overflow:hidden;"></iframe>
  • Wendell Pierce ( Bunk) on the “Fat Finger”
  • Lance Reddick (Daniels)
  • Joe Kiely (Podcaster) on D’Angelo
  • Hannah and Jen (The Standard Issue Podcast) on D’Angelo and his mother
  • Luke Moore (Radio Stakhanov and “The Football Ramble”) on the montage
  • Jonathan Abrams (Author “All the Pieces Matter”) on Kima Greggs
  • Andrew Johnstone (Academic and Podcaster)

Storyline 1: The cops start rounding up all of the guys on the street

They pick up 12 or so people and with D’s help manage to catch Wee Bay in Philly. Wee Bay


Storyline 2: The streets try to regroup

The guys are low on supply. D’angelo has flipped and has to deal with his mother.

Storyline3: The cops try to take it to the FBI

It’s good but doesnt go the way that they want. The feds want to go for the politicians but the detail feel that is not the direction that they wanted to go in.

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